We headed up to Blowing Rock, NC this past weekend to check out Tweetsie Railroad. It's a great little park, been around forever (since the 50s I believe) and we thought it would be a great "next step" for Noah in the hierarchy of amusement parks (did the Fair, that was a hit; then we thought something like this, see how he does). He LOVED it. We all did--the park is a little cheesy, but we all just had a great time. Was a perfect day, weather-wise, and I'd love to go back again.
Enjoy the pics!

Noah on his trusty steed!

They had this giant hay bale spider that Noah was fascinated with. He doesn't seem to be freaked out at all with all the Halloween stuff--he LOVES it!

Cool baby.... Since it's a coal engine, we made sure to have eye protection!

View of the train; we were all the way in the last seats in the last car--the whistle and bell are VERY loud, and Noah was pretty sensitive to it, so we wanted to be as far away from the noise...it was quite nice in the back--not many people on the car, so we really had a chance to soak it all in.

This is the actual engine. (Okay, now that I've typed that, it seems sort of redundant...)

Noah wanted an Indian Hat, so we went to the General Store (where else?) and he picked out what is surely an exact replica of an Indian Hat.

Noah flying his green plane... We'd first come upon these at the beginning of the day. This was a ride that Mommy & Daddy couldn't do with Noah--he had to do it himself. He absolutely refused. Then, we swung by later in the day, and he was all too happy to hop in & fly, and had a fabulous time! The video Patrick posted yesterday (below) is from this ride.

Noah feeding a goat that apparently gets out quite frequently. They've got a Deer Park, though it's not as scary as the Hollywild Magical Deer Forest. For one thing, there aren't any rednecks in vehicles gunning for the deer. The other main difference is, these animals WANT you to feed them...

...like this Emu. I neglected to read the sign that said, "DO NOT HAND FEED--PLACE FOOD IN TROUGH." No...instead, I start to pour feed, from the handy dandy ice cream cone (plain, not sugar) into my hand when this guy (gal? I didn't turn it over to figure out whether it was a he or a she) just takes a chunk out of the cone. And for the record, Emus really like plain ice cream cones!

Our silly self-portrait! We were on the chair lift going back down to the main part of the park (Noah LOVED the chair lifts!) and Patrick and Noah were being Indians.

Okay, there's so much going on here. First, we have the Rudolph hat. Then we have the Indian headdress. Then, we have my fuzzy scarf that Noah was trying to put over his head to be hair--I guess for the Indian braids?

This is a shot of Patrick & Noah in the chair lift in front of me (hard to tell it's them, but it is), but I just love that you get a really great idea of the surrounding area from this photo.
And that was our day at Tweetsie Railroad! Patrick took video throughout the day, so hopefully we'll get that loaded pretty quickly!
Our love to all!