Sunday, January 22, 2012

Discovery Place rocks!

Yesterday we took Noah to see the Mummies exhibit at Discovery Place in Charlotte--the exhibit was great, and I'm sure we'll be going back. After the exhibit, though, we quickly ran out of time to see everything that Discovery Place had to offer.

This was one of the things that really had Noah tickled; I'm not sure what it was--they called it "dust" but I think it was iron filings with magnets that moved in sync with the music (then again, it could have been dust, though MY dust at home doesn't move like this):

The happy archaeologist!

The Mummy!

Archaeologist Noah and his Mummy

After consideration of the locale, the sarcophagus and the identifying hieroglyphics, Dr. Noah has determined the is the mummy of King Tutankhamen!


It is better than we'd hoped! A genuine mummy!!!!

Proceeding carefully...

The sandstone is soft, and we don't want to damage anything inside.

We found a sarcophagus!

Found this in the Mummies exhibit...I wonder what's inside?!?!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Noah, being the Sphinx

He was inspired by the Mummies Exhibit we just went to.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The below post is legit and is from me...

Since I'm doing this from my phone, I can't figure out how to embed the video, so instead I have to just link to it, but it's legit--no viruses!

Noah's drum kit

Check out this video on YouTube:

Sent from my iPhone


Noah munching on his bubbling brains. I never knew brains tasted like strawberry, and that they were so sweet (about 100% sugar, if the taste and Noah's subsequent running in circles is any indication...).

Morning snack

For Christmas, Noah received a Zombie Lab and this morning we made "bubbling brains." I think Patrick's shirt is quite appropriate.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

More fun with camera editing!

Noah being goofy

Noah was having fun building a few structures with some pavers, and making silly faces. I was having fun with some cool camera editing features!

Noah building Stonehenge II

Noah & Anatomy puzzle

Noah, after we completed his 4' tall anatomy puzzle!