Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Day at Grandad's Apple Barn

We had a spur-of-the-moment urge for apples this morning, so we zoomed up to Hendersonville. While we picked apples at Stepp's Orchard, we stopped at Grandad's Apple Barn on the way back (you can't miss it--look for the dinosaurs!). WHY they have dinosaurs, I don't know, but we're glad they did!

We had a great time looking at the dinos, the llama & the goats; we watched the "cow train" (mini cars painted to look like cows pulled by a John Deere) because Noah absolutely did NOT want to ride it; we wandered around the store; listened to a bluegrass band (and sang along to "Dooley"); and then went through the corn maze.
After that, we headed home, munching on apples.

A great day was had by all! Enjoy the pics! (Oh, and please forgive some of the people in the background. I wasn't able to crop everything out...just try to focus on the incredibly cute boy in the foreground!)

Posing with Mr. (Ms.? Didn't get a close enough look...) Triceratops, with the goat grazing, and the llama doing what a llama does best. (What that is, I don't know...)Acting very frightened of the raptor. Thank goodness the raptor was permanently affixed to the base!

Having fun at the pumpkin patch.

Close up...

Our punkin, amongst the pumpkins!

Awash in a sea of orange....I really should crop this so the crowd at the top isn't there anymore!

Posing with some really big pumpkins!

Patrick & Noah with the really big pumpkins.

Noah leading the way in the corn maze. It was in the shape of a tractor; I so wish I could cut & paste the pic from Google Earth! It took us about an hour to go through it--there were 4 stations that you had to find throughout the maze, and I know that for about 20 minutes, we were absolutely going in a circle!

View from the maze toward the mountains in the distance. It truly was a gorgeous day!

Walking through the corn maze.

My boys!

Posing in one of the cut-outs; I have no clue why Noah is making the face he's making!

The goat looks a little suspicious of Patrick's tractor driving skills.

A thumbs' up for a great day!

1 comment:

  1. All of these are great, although the one of Patrick driving Grandad's tractor made me laugh out loud.
