Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Noah received a camera for Christmas, and we think it's a hit--he's taken 79 pictures so far! I thought I'd post a few here for everyone to enjoy.

We love y'all, and hope everyone is spending the day with those they love!

Merry Christmas!


Noah's pajama top....

Rachel, me, Patrick, Janet & Dan around the breakfast table.


Rachel taking a photo of Noah taking a picture.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Even Lil People need to be safe

Noah didn't think it was safe for his Lil People guy to ride on the truck without a seatbelt. So--Noah made one. Out of tape. And, when it didn't work, he added more tape, until the guy stayed on!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Banner

I thought I'd change the banner--the picture is one that Noah crafted, with crayon, construction paper and foam Christmas stickers (he LOVES those things!). It's a picture he drew for Patrick, and even went so far as to put it behind Patrick's sink in our bathroom. It's snowing, and he dressed the snowman and the reindeer in appropriate winter gear, and if you notice, he even drew the blue sky above.

I love his art!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Morning fashion & Christmas decorations

I've been slacking on the whole "snap of pic of Noah as we're heading out so people can see what he's wearing today" but the past couple days, he's been coming up with some great outfits. My policy is: If it's clean, I don't really care what he wears or in what combination. I try to keep the really out-of-season stuff put away so we don't have to have an issue with why he can't wear his swimsuit in 40 degree weather, so really, everything is fair game!

I also wanted to put in a few shots of our Christmas decorations outside. I can't wait for Santa's visit--Noah's been so excited about everything this year--the decorations, the store displays, the music and it just makes me want to just hit the pause button and soak it all up like a sponge!


Showing off his preppy look, complete with chambray shirt hem peeking out from under the sweater...

This was today's choice, complete with green rag wool/"sock monkey" socks.

I LOVE this hat & mitten set! Got it last year at a STEAL and since my boy still lets me dress him up as cute forest animals, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth! :) To be honest, he does love his "Rudy" hat and matching gloves...Sorry, Patrick. I think you voted against getting these, but I just couldn't resist.

And what has Noah looking so absolutely joyous?

...finding out his Christmas gel clings stick on the ceiling when thrown!

Patrick and Noah, getting our inflatables up & on display! (Note Patrick's R2D2 hat...yes, Lori, he wears it proudly!)

Giving Mickey a kiss...

Noah wanted to be sitting just like Mickey.

He does love his inflatables!

Close up of our boy....

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The most amazing Thanksgiving float ever!

Mr. Bones is making his 1st appearance in the parade!

Noah being the Buzz Lightyear float

Noah has been inspired by the Macy's floats!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lovely day...

Noah's been a little under the weather, but we felt like he'd been cooped up in the house long enough, and as it was a gorgeous day (note the intense blue sky!), we went to the park. My everlasting thanks again to my dear friend Lori for the fabulous R2D2 hat!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Noah had a great time trick-or-treating. We pretty much stuck to our neighborhood, but hit every house that had a porch light on--so we went to about 10 or so houses, which, for a 4 1/2 little boy, he got plenty of candy! It was a nice night out--not too cold, so he didn't need his skeleton hoodie. We also had a great time doing Boo in the Zoo again this year, and I think he enjoyed seeing the other kids in costume more than the actual getting of candy.

We also stopped by Mom & Dad's to trick-or-treat and to show off our not-very-scary skeleton, and Noah had fun with Dad's Rasta wig.

After Halloween, we stopped by WalMart and snagged a Spooky House kit and we all had fun decorating it. It is my opinion, though, that the picture on the box showing you what the finished product looks like is PhotoShopped!

Enjoy the pictures!

Noah carving his pumpkin.

Noah and his carved pumpkin.
(His carving kit had eyes that you could stick in the pumpkin to give it different looks.)

Daddy carved a Mickey pumpkin for Noah. I wish I'd taken a picture of the Jack Skellington one...they turned out really well.

Noah posing in his skelly pajama-jams.

Noah's costume!

At Boo in the Zoo, with "Frankenschteim"--which is what he calls Frankenstein. And, he usually calls him "Frankenschteim's Monster" (which is technically correct--the monster himself never really has a name, he's just universally called "Frankenstein.")

This is after the Not-Very-Scary Haunted House, and Noah is modeling one of the many treats he acquired--a piggy mask that goes very well with the skeleton costume.

Eating a piece of candy and just looking silly.

He wanted his picture taken with Humpty Dumpty. What the Egg Man has to do with Halloween, I have no idea.

At Mom & Dad's, playing with the skeleton on the front Dad's Rasta wig!


Close-up of Rasta Skelly.

Beginning to assemble the Spooky House.

Noah's black tongue...from pretty much sucking out the black icing from the tube.

Pointing to his creation--with black icing smeared along his face, asserting that yes, he DID suck the icing out of the tube!

Noah and Daddy!

The finished creation...which looks nothing like what was shown on the box! But it is somewhat tasty...sort of.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Who ya gonna call?

(Not sure why it didn't post before...)

Noah's do-it-yourself Homer

Noah's newest hoodie...

We also picked up a pumpkin t-shirt and a skeleton t-shirt... Noah has been all about being a skeleton this year.

Until we were walking out of the store & he said, "I want to be a dinosaur again for Halloween...."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Video from tonight

Took this with the webcam--just Noah being goofy!

(See if you can figure out what song he's singing in the first video...)

Then here's another:

And wrapping up the evening:

Tweetsie Railroad!

We headed up to Blowing Rock, NC this past weekend to check out Tweetsie Railroad. It's a great little park, been around forever (since the 50s I believe) and we thought it would be a great "next step" for Noah in the hierarchy of amusement parks (did the Fair, that was a hit; then we thought something like this, see how he does). He LOVED it. We all did--the park is a little cheesy, but we all just had a great time. Was a perfect day, weather-wise, and I'd love to go back again.

Enjoy the pics!

Noah on his trusty steed!

They had this giant hay bale spider that Noah was fascinated with. He doesn't seem to be freaked out at all with all the Halloween stuff--he LOVES it!

Cool baby.... Since it's a coal engine, we made sure to have eye protection!

View of the train; we were all the way in the last seats in the last car--the whistle and bell are VERY loud, and Noah was pretty sensitive to it, so we wanted to be as far away from the was quite nice in the back--not many people on the car, so we really had a chance to soak it all in.

This is the actual engine. (Okay, now that I've typed that, it seems sort of redundant...)

Noah wanted an Indian Hat, so we went to the General Store (where else?) and he picked out what is surely an exact replica of an Indian Hat.

Noah flying his green plane... We'd first come upon these at the beginning of the day. This was a ride that Mommy & Daddy couldn't do with Noah--he had to do it himself. He absolutely refused. Then, we swung by later in the day, and he was all too happy to hop in & fly, and had a fabulous time! The video Patrick posted yesterday (below) is from this ride.

Noah feeding a goat that apparently gets out quite frequently. They've got a Deer Park, though it's not as scary as the Hollywild Magical Deer Forest. For one thing, there aren't any rednecks in vehicles gunning for the deer. The other main difference is, these animals WANT you to feed them... this Emu. I neglected to read the sign that said, "DO NOT HAND FEED--PLACE FOOD IN TROUGH." No...instead, I start to pour feed, from the handy dandy ice cream cone (plain, not sugar) into my hand when this guy (gal? I didn't turn it over to figure out whether it was a he or a she) just takes a chunk out of the cone. And for the record, Emus really like plain ice cream cones!

Our silly self-portrait! We were on the chair lift going back down to the main part of the park (Noah LOVED the chair lifts!) and Patrick and Noah were being Indians.

Okay, there's so much going on here. First, we have the Rudolph hat. Then we have the Indian headdress. Then, we have my fuzzy scarf that Noah was trying to put over his head to be hair--I guess for the Indian braids?

This is a shot of Patrick & Noah in the chair lift in front of me (hard to tell it's them, but it is), but I just love that you get a really great idea of the surrounding area from this photo.

And that was our day at Tweetsie Railroad! Patrick took video throughout the day, so hopefully we'll get that loaded pretty quickly!

Our love to all!