Sunday, April 29, 2012

Noah's take on the Titanic

Noah built his version of the Titanic and we filmed it for cinematic posterity. Enjoy!

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

4th Baby Bird found!

Update on BAby Bird--he was hippity hopping across the yard, under the hammock. Mama Robin swooped down as soon as we left the yard, and Mama was kind of leading the way, showing Baby a few things. I thought they had hatched only a week ago, but they are about 11 days old. From my research (gotta love Google!), Robins usually leave the nest at about 12-14 days. I guess baby was ready to fly the coop!

Robins...about to leave the nest?

Video of the robins!

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Out of the nest!

We went out to see the birds, and one has been pushed out or has tried to fly--we aren't sure. Since he's at the bottom of the stairs we'd use to see his brethren, I decided to not venture up to see the nest. Since everything we've read says to leave the ousted bird, that's what we are doing. It shouldn't rain today, and the temps should be okay. We know that Mommy and Daddy are near the little guy and we feel that he should be okay if we leave him be.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Photo, day 6!


I didn't get to them yesterday--it was cold and windy and I didn't want the Mommy and Daddy to leave the neat because of me--I wanted them to stay and take care of the babies. You can really tell they're getting older--the wings are really getting big. I can usually clearly see 3 beaks most of the time, so I don't know if that just means the nest is small and that's all that can squeeze out at one time, or if the 4th egg never hatched. I haven't seen an egg on the ground--can't see how they'd carry it away from the nest--I would assume just pushing it out? We have found the shells from two of the chicks, though, which Noah thought was really cool. It won't be long until they're ready to leave the nest!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Noah singing the Potato Song

Noah began singing the Potato Song, then it turned into a ukulele lesson!

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Frere Jacques a la Noah

Noah singing "Frere Jacques" (sp?).

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Robins, Three Days Old

You can hear the mad cheeping in the background--the sad whistling? That's me, trying to get the chicks to open their mouths. It didn't work!

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Robins, two days old!

I can't tell how many there are....I'm going to say 4, since that's how many eggs there were. (I know that may not be how nature works, but I'm not going to think about survival rates and birds right at this moment!)

Robins, two days old!

Not sure if this will work...took a quick video of the Robins!

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I couldn't stay long, as Mommy was NOT happy, so I snapped this pic without really seeing inside the nest. Now I understand why Mommy was cheeping at me--little chicks!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Still eggs!

I'd like to try to get a picture daily, if Mommy Robin will allow it! So far, no change!

Monday, April 16, 2012


We were out yesterday morning, and Noah yelled excitedly, "There's a nest!". We went to look, and sure 'nuf, on the top story of his swing set, robins had built a nest!

There are 4 eggs, prettiest blue you've ever seen. We will keep an eye and post regularly to see what happens! Hopefully we will have 4 baby robins before too long!