Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Noah received a camera for Christmas, and we think it's a hit--he's taken 79 pictures so far! I thought I'd post a few here for everyone to enjoy.

We love y'all, and hope everyone is spending the day with those they love!

Merry Christmas!


Noah's pajama top....

Rachel, me, Patrick, Janet & Dan around the breakfast table.


Rachel taking a photo of Noah taking a picture.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Even Lil People need to be safe

Noah didn't think it was safe for his Lil People guy to ride on the truck without a seatbelt. So--Noah made one. Out of tape. And, when it didn't work, he added more tape, until the guy stayed on!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Banner

I thought I'd change the banner--the picture is one that Noah crafted, with crayon, construction paper and foam Christmas stickers (he LOVES those things!). It's a picture he drew for Patrick, and even went so far as to put it behind Patrick's sink in our bathroom. It's snowing, and he dressed the snowman and the reindeer in appropriate winter gear, and if you notice, he even drew the blue sky above.

I love his art!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Morning fashion & Christmas decorations

I've been slacking on the whole "snap of pic of Noah as we're heading out so people can see what he's wearing today" but the past couple days, he's been coming up with some great outfits. My policy is: If it's clean, I don't really care what he wears or in what combination. I try to keep the really out-of-season stuff put away so we don't have to have an issue with why he can't wear his swimsuit in 40 degree weather, so really, everything is fair game!

I also wanted to put in a few shots of our Christmas decorations outside. I can't wait for Santa's visit--Noah's been so excited about everything this year--the decorations, the store displays, the music and it just makes me want to just hit the pause button and soak it all up like a sponge!


Showing off his preppy look, complete with chambray shirt hem peeking out from under the sweater...

This was today's choice, complete with green rag wool/"sock monkey" socks.

I LOVE this hat & mitten set! Got it last year at a STEAL and since my boy still lets me dress him up as cute forest animals, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth! :) To be honest, he does love his "Rudy" hat and matching gloves...Sorry, Patrick. I think you voted against getting these, but I just couldn't resist.

And what has Noah looking so absolutely joyous?

...finding out his Christmas gel clings stick on the ceiling when thrown!

Patrick and Noah, getting our inflatables up & on display! (Note Patrick's R2D2 hat...yes, Lori, he wears it proudly!)

Giving Mickey a kiss...

Noah wanted to be sitting just like Mickey.

He does love his inflatables!

Close up of our boy....