Sunday, September 26, 2010

Luke Skywalker...

You can tell by his "lightsaber"...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just found this pic from May... it just me, or is he remarkably good looking? Not that being attractive is everything, but sometimes it amazes me that we made something this fabulous.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Setting the fashion trend...

Always on the cutting edge of fashion. You can't really tell, but his shorts are on backwards. Kriss Kross anyone?!?!

Pickin' apples!

We are standing amidst apple trees, having just picked about 19lbs (seriously--we weighed them when we got home!) o' apples.

Go away, crows!

Not sure if you can tell, but it was a gorgeous day!

And again...

They had a ton of these cut-outs and Noah wanted his picture taken in ALL of them!

More at the Orchard

Our little apple!

At the Orchard!

Patrick & Noah, just drivin' on the tractor & scarin' some crows...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pictures of and by Noah...

Here's just a hodgepodge of pictures of and by Noah!

Hiking in a park, right in the middle of town!

Okay, I must first admit that I'm a little scared to post this picture, what with all the hullabaloo that comes up over pictures like this, so I put the "censored" over the part that would most likely cause a ruckus. If you notice, his legs are colored blue. So is his penis.

I'm not sure whether this is a cat or a pig....but I like it!