Friday, April 15, 2011

Noah reading about eagles

Mom took this video today; Noah was reading from a book about birds. This is NOT a book that we've had for a long time, nor is it something that we've read to him...

He's pretty amazing...

(We can't figure out how to flip it so it's up & down....if someone knows how, let me know!)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Noah's new rating system

He's learned the thumbs up/thumbs down way of indicating preference.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Eiffel Tower

Tonight, Noah was drawing pictures, and he drew the long, skinny shape and asked us what it was. We guessed a crayon, a long house... Noah said, "It begins with an 'E'" and drew an E. He then drew the "I." I guessed "Eiffel Tower?" He grinned really big & said, "Right!" and continued to spell the rest of it (Eifl Tour--not perfect, but you understand what he's going for...and did you get that he KNOWS that it's EIffel?? He got the "EI" for cryin' out loud.

Then Patrick asked him, "Noah, do you know where the Eiffel Tower is?"

Noah responded, "France!"

He's scary-smart, that boy.