Monday, November 9, 2009


How can it be November already? And almost MID-November????

We have been busy getting the new house set up, trying to get into a routine, and things are starting to settle down a bit, so hopefully I can get back to posting a picture each day. After all, the blog isn't called "Picture every few days, whenever the planets are aligned just so and I happen to be wearing a purple shirt."

I don't think I happen to own a purple shirt, but that's not going to stop me from posting these few pics from last week.


11/4/09 It's a's a's SUPER MONKEY!

11.5.09 Chillin' with Mousey!

11.5.09 Modeling his new Dino shirt. I can't wait for JC Penney to come a-callin'.

11.6.09 Okay, so it's not the best picture of Noah--I think he was in the middle of saying "Cheese" (which, by the way, he now says whenever we pick up a camera, but he doesn't necessarily smile, so it sorta defeats the purpose.). This is more of an illustration of Mommy ingenuity--he's got a great pair of pants that he loves, and they had a small hole in the knee, which quickly turned into a large gash. So, I found a patch, cut out a Mickey shape, and put it over the gash. I was pretty proud of myself! He seemed to really like the pants, too!

11.6.09 Close up of our boy...


  1. Aww! so good! I love the one with Noah and Mouse!

  2. Yeah...she's having the time of her life. Can't ya tell???

  3. You know she does. I mean, he'll "crash" her and she'll growl and hiss, and leave, but then she's right back in the mix. So, either she truly does love the little guy, or she's a masochist. Or masochat. Or meowochist.
