Monday, June 7, 2010

Bithday fun and First Day of School!

Our birthday boy! I can't believe he's 4...

First day of Montessori School! Even though he's just doing their Summer Camp, it's Monday through Friday (his previous school was Mon - Thurs), and drop off is 7:30 - 8:30 and pick up is 2:30... So, not only is he going one more day than he had been, it's potentially 3 hours more than he's used to. Hey, it's just like REAL SCHOOL!!!!

Noah did great this morning--a little scared, but he did a great job. The Director called us after he'd been in class and told us that once he got in the classroom, he was fine. She also sent us an e-mail update to let us know that he was really enjoying Art class, so we know that Noah's going to have a great time.

Mommy & Daddy? was a little harder for us, and yes, I cried a little. We know that he'll love this environment, and we know that it's good to be challenged and to try new things, even though they scare us. Still, that doesn't mean that Mommy can't be a little sad!

(And our thanks to Aunt Rachel for the stylin' shirt & shorts he's wearing on his first day!)


  1. I hate the idea of him being even just a little scared, but I know that's how we grow. Overcoming things that are scary is a big part life! But he did look pretty awesome doing it, if I say so myself!!!

  2. Yes, unfortunately, we don't learn anything by just sticking with what we're comfortable with. It's a hard lesson to learn--even harder to be a parent watching your child learn it!
