Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pictures of and by Noah...

Here's just a hodgepodge of pictures of and by Noah!

Hiking in a park, right in the middle of town!

Okay, I must first admit that I'm a little scared to post this picture, what with all the hullabaloo that comes up over pictures like this, so I put the "censored" over the part that would most likely cause a ruckus. If you notice, his legs are colored blue. So is his penis.

I'm not sure whether this is a cat or a pig....but I like it!


  1. That park looks like a really gorgeous place. I'd like to check it out when the leaves start changing! Meanwhile, THAT'S the picture you show Noah's girlfriends the first time they come over! I'd say I can't believe he did that, but I actually can.

  2. You know that he's drawn kitty whiskers on his face, don't you?
